Parish Clergy

Fr. Jim Kordaris, Pastor
Church: (845) 331-3522
Office: (646) 519-6760 please leave a message and Fr Jim will get back to you
Fr. Jim was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has BA (1979) and MBA (1983) degrees from the University of Minnesota. He served St. Mary’s (Kimisis) Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis in many capacities, including Parish Council President and Stewardship Chair. Following twelve years in the financial services industry, he entered Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, receiving his Master of Divinity degree in 1999. He was ordained to the Diaconate in 1998 and to the Priesthood in 1999. He has served parishes in Jamaica, NY and Roslyn Heights, NY, and Manhattan. Fr Jim has been the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Director of Outreach and Evangelism since 2003 and Director of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism since 2009.
Fr. Jim is married to Cally and they have one son, Christopher.