As of December 31, 2021, Linda von Knoblauch retired as Choir Director after 53 years of service to our Parish. The Parish Council hosted a special Sunday of recognition for Linda on Sunday, March 20. We were joined by Mr. Costas Tsourakis, President of the NY District Choir Federation. Mr. Tsourakis presented Linda with a Years of Service Award from the District.
Due to the pandemic and the difficulty of singing with a mask, we temporarily reduced the number of choir members in the choir loft. We have been slowly adding members as the situation improves.
In the fall of 2021, after consulting with Linda, we obtained new music by noted Orthodox Christian composer Nicholas Roubanis, to replace our previous choir books which had been difficult to follow and were an impediment to welcoming new choir members.  Fr Jim has asked the choir to work toward a balance of Greek and English in the Sunday Divine Liturgy, so that the beautiful theology of the hymns may be understood by our diverse membership, and welcoming to new members.
Fr Jim has appointed Mardi Perry as Choir Director.  Mardi and her husband Jim, both long-time Orthodox Christians, have been part of our parish since 2020. Mardi is an experienced vocal coach, Orthodox Christian musical director, and Speech & Communications Teacher.
Stavros Kariolis, PhD continues to serve as our Protopsalti/Head Chanter, and is a valued member of the choir, parish council and more.
PLEASE NOTE: We ask your patience as we work through this transitional period. We are working to balance our use of English and Greek to make our worship experience fulfilling for existing members and welcoming to new members and inquirers. Most of our marriages are now between a Greek Orthodox Christian and a non-Greek Orthodox Christian. Many agree to be married in the Orthodox Church. Some choose to become Orthodox. Out of respect for these intermarried families and their choice to worship at Saint George, we have added English to the Divine Liturgy. Our goal is to find a balance that serves all of our faithful. Thank you for your patience and understanding as this process evolves.